I was not able to answer you directly.
Guten Tag Björn,
Many thanks for you answer. When I was young .... I was used to toggle in ..
I learned with PDP 8i.
I just made some research about the term bootstrap and I just discovered
yesterday the Münchhausen story but I don't know the context of the term in
the story.
Thanks for the idea of the two other lists.
Beste Wünsche zum neuen Jahr
"Bjorn van der Meer" <***@chronovault.net> a écrit dans le
message de news:***@chronovault.net...
On Sun, 28 Dec 2003 17:16:31 +0100
Post by jean-jacques SchwarzHello,
Can someone tell me when and by whom the term 'boostrap' was used for the
initialization of the computer?
many thanks
Jean-Jacques Schwarz
Bonsoir Jean,
while I could not find a definitive answer to your question, it seems
certain that the term was already in use back when the "bootstrap sequence"
still had to be "toggled in". ("Toggle in" = operator throws switches to set
memory states).
See for example:
("Atkinson's 13th Law - You aren't a real computer person until you have
toggled in 100 bootstraps."
I doubt that evidence for a "first use" can be found, something like the bug
reference (http://www.jamesshuggins.com/h/tek1/first_computer_bug_large.htm)
is unlikely.
I suggest hooking up with the real computer archaeologists, like in
soc.history.science or alt.folklore.computers.
I assume you know the Münchhausen story behind the term "pulling oneself up
on oneŽs own bootstraps".
Happy new year to France,
Björn van der Meer
Berlin, Germany.