Michael Trick
2004-01-20 18:34:35 UTC
This is the final Call for Papers for PATAT 2004, to be held in
Pittsburgh, USA, August 18-20. All submissions should be received by
January 26 using the submission system at the web site
http://mat.gsia.cmu.edu/PATAT04 .
Conference themes include (but are not limited to):
The themes of the conference include (but are not limited to):
o Educational Timetabling
o Transport Timetabling
o Employee Timetabling
o Sports Timetabling
o Complexity Issues
o Distributed Timetabling Systems
o Experiences
o Implementations
o Commercial Packages
o Interactive vs Batch Timetabling
o Timetable Updating
o Relationship with Other Scheduling Problems
o Timetabling Research Areas, including: Constraint Based Methods
Evolutionary Computation
Artificial Intelligence
Graph Colouring
Expert Systems
Heuristic Search
Knowledge Based Systems
Operational Research
Simulated Annealing
Local Search
Mathematical Programming
Soft Computing
Tabu Search
Authors are invited to submit presentations in one of two categories:
* Full Papers
Authors should submit papers describing significant, original
and unpublished work. Such papers are expected to be approximately
10-20 pages in length. These papers will be fully refereed by the
programme committee and the accepted ones will appear in a conference
As in previous years, a selection of the papers will appear in a
post conference volume published in the Springer Lecture Notes in
Computer Science series. The second round of refereeing for this
volume will take place shortly after the conference.
* Abstracts
Abstracts of up to 1000 words in length (3-4 pages) can be
submitted by those who wish to give a talk but do not want to write an
academic paper. Abstracts will be fully refereed. The accepted ones
will appear in the conference proceedings. The actual abstracts will
not go forward to the second round of refereeing for the
post-conference volume. However, authors of accepted abstracts will
have the opportunity to write a paper (based on their abstract) and
submit it for the selected papers volume at a later date (shortly
after the conference).
Please see http://mat.gsia.cmu.edu/PATAT04 for further information.
Best wishes,
Michael Trick, Bosch Professor and President
Carnegie Bosch Institute, GSIA, Carnegie Mellon
http://mat.gsia.cmu.edu http://cbi.gsia.cmu.edu
Ph (412) 268-3697 Fax (412) 268-7057 ***@cmu.edu
Pittsburgh, USA, August 18-20. All submissions should be received by
January 26 using the submission system at the web site
http://mat.gsia.cmu.edu/PATAT04 .
Conference themes include (but are not limited to):
The themes of the conference include (but are not limited to):
o Educational Timetabling
o Transport Timetabling
o Employee Timetabling
o Sports Timetabling
o Complexity Issues
o Distributed Timetabling Systems
o Experiences
o Implementations
o Commercial Packages
o Interactive vs Batch Timetabling
o Timetable Updating
o Relationship with Other Scheduling Problems
o Timetabling Research Areas, including: Constraint Based Methods
Evolutionary Computation
Artificial Intelligence
Graph Colouring
Expert Systems
Heuristic Search
Knowledge Based Systems
Operational Research
Simulated Annealing
Local Search
Mathematical Programming
Soft Computing
Tabu Search
Authors are invited to submit presentations in one of two categories:
* Full Papers
Authors should submit papers describing significant, original
and unpublished work. Such papers are expected to be approximately
10-20 pages in length. These papers will be fully refereed by the
programme committee and the accepted ones will appear in a conference
As in previous years, a selection of the papers will appear in a
post conference volume published in the Springer Lecture Notes in
Computer Science series. The second round of refereeing for this
volume will take place shortly after the conference.
* Abstracts
Abstracts of up to 1000 words in length (3-4 pages) can be
submitted by those who wish to give a talk but do not want to write an
academic paper. Abstracts will be fully refereed. The accepted ones
will appear in the conference proceedings. The actual abstracts will
not go forward to the second round of refereeing for the
post-conference volume. However, authors of accepted abstracts will
have the opportunity to write a paper (based on their abstract) and
submit it for the selected papers volume at a later date (shortly
after the conference).
Please see http://mat.gsia.cmu.edu/PATAT04 for further information.
Best wishes,
Michael Trick, Bosch Professor and President
Carnegie Bosch Institute, GSIA, Carnegie Mellon
http://mat.gsia.cmu.edu http://cbi.gsia.cmu.edu
Ph (412) 268-3697 Fax (412) 268-7057 ***@cmu.edu