Post by BobThis was a real info send from Jason but the link got messed up please
go to this correct link
Hello, Bob.
Well, I guess I'm confused.
In another message, you tell us that the "program" ended. Here, you
tell us that the link was messed up.
But on Jason's site, he says:
...we were directing so much traffic to HLS
that they decided to stop the ads for awhile
because they were afraid of having to pay
more money than they have! Shortly afterwards,
they wanted to begin ads again for a much
lower rate. We are prayerfully considering
their offer.
Bob Sanregret (President of Hot Lava Software)
provides a testimonial. He says, "I was scared
that the cost would skyrocket and at the current
rate it looked like that might happen! (October
13, 2004)"
These all seem to conflict.
If the link was messed up, then you probably didn't get more traffic
than you could handle, so what Jason says is not true.
If your ads no longer are sponsored through Jason's "ministry" because
"the program ended," that, too, would conflict with the other reasnos,
i.e., the link was messed up or Hot Lava Software couldn't afford it.
I'm old and cynical, Bob, though not unreasonable. Still, I find it
rather convenient that this went on for quite some time - nearly two
weeks - and nothing happened until well after Jason's "mistake" was
It's also a matter of record that Jason masquerades as other
identities to hawk his book and web site(s), as well as write glowing,
substanceless, positive reviews of his e-book at Amazon.
And, of course, it's also well-known that Jason will hijack web
surfers with domain names very similar to those that he opposes, so
that when they mistype those domain names into a URL, they stand a
fair change of being misdirected to his site - a site most surfers
looking for those domains had no intention of visiting.
Check, for example, and, as well as versus Other examples abound.
It's one thing to use the fairly new and widespread availability of
the web to forward the christian message. It's quite another to
MISuse it. Jason misuses it, under the guise of "once saved, always
saved," Jason feels that he can commit any sin as long as it forwards
his rather peculiar interpretation of modern christianity.
Consequently, he often engages in deception.
So, as you can see, doing business with Jason Gastrich is usually
going to be a losing proposition.
Post by Bobfor your free downloads
Post by David SienkiewiczPost by CCNA MCSEHot Lava Software is the leader in the educational software industry
and has been for many years. We have software that can help you pass
your CCNA, MCSE, Microsoft, Business Skills, and other tests! We also
have some free downloads that you can enjoy.
Go to and see!
MCSE CCNA Software
The link above leads the reader to a born-again Christian site, run by
Jason Gastrich, as self-styled minister who believes these kinds of
antics are perfectly fine as long as one is "once-saved-always-saved."
Jason's ministry is allegedly non-profit, operating under the laws of
the State of California. This particular bit of false advertising and
misdirection will be reported to the appropriate authorities.
If you're looking for training content for the MCSE and CCNA
professional certifications, you will NOT find it at the above link.
Instead, you will find Jason's peculiar brand of fundamentalist