(too old to reply)
2004-02-02 13:46:58 UTC
I am currently studying Multimedia at college and need to purchase a
new computer so I can do work at home. The problem is, that I know
how to use the computer but don't know what I need to buy. It has to
have a decent sized hard drive and memory and be able to cope with
complex graphics. I use Flash, Photoshop, Adobe Premier, Director,
DreamWeaver and other similar design and graphics packages. Does
anyone out there know what I should buy for what I do. Iwould very
much appreciate some suggestions. I am a student so cost is an
important factor.
2004-02-09 01:27:51 UTC
I'm sorry I can't offer you much advice on your software purchase.. I have
always bought Dell systems because I always end up using their customer
support. This Christmas I found that they did offer the cheapest deal.
Anyways.. neat how you are in a multimedia course. I too am a student taking
a computer course, but about the Internet and various functions. I can
relate with you about the need for particular software.
Post by Student
I am currently studying Multimedia at college and need to purchase a
new computer so I can do work at home. The problem is, that I know
how to use the computer but don't know what I need to buy. It has to
have a decent sized hard drive and memory and be able to cope with
complex graphics. I use Flash, Photoshop, Adobe Premier, Director,
DreamWeaver and other similar design and graphics packages. Does
anyone out there know what I should buy for what I do. Iwould very
much appreciate some suggestions. I am a student so cost is an
important factor.
Comp Builder
2004-02-10 11:09:13 UTC
Hey I build Comps for a living. Because your dealing with "complex
the Two most important features will be "Video Card" and the type of
you have two choices.

1st choice:
Get a friend thats good with comps and build your own.
Contrary to common belief it is extremly easy to do (my 11 year old
nephew builds comps for friends and family and he isn't the brightest
bulb in the box)
Hardware I would recomend is:

SocketA VIA KT400 AGP8x LAN Motherboard
Can be bought at:

The most expesive part: A 2.1 to 3.3 Ghz AMD Anthlon XP CPU
Some People will tell you to go with Pentium, But I have personaly
tested out both side by side and because you will be working with
graphics and multitasking GO WITH AMD ALWAYS.

Any 128 MB AGP Video Card
just use yor favorite search page

Any case with an 400w ATX powersupply
same as above

A Cheap CD-Burner and floppy
agian same as above

A Cheap Refurbished Moniter

And last but not least, 256 MB or 512 MB of the cheapest "DDR" and
only "DDR"
Memory you can find

Choice 2:

Seach on say http://www.google.co.uk/ for a computer

And Make sure it has the Following

Any AMD Anthlon XP Motherboard with "DDR" memory
(Almost all boards have sound, ethernet, USB, and of course keyboard,
mouse, printer, and 2 serial ports)
256 to 512MB "DDR" memory

any 128MB DDR APG Video Card

CD-Burner and Floppy (OPTIONLY:DVD Drive NOT A BURNER)

And a moniter


P.S. E-mail me if you have questions
Post by Student
I am currently studying Multimedia at college and need to purchase a
new computer so I can do work at home. The problem is, that I know
how to use the computer but don't know what I need to buy. It has to
have a decent sized hard drive and memory and be able to cope with
complex graphics. I use Flash, Photoshop, Adobe Premier, Director,
DreamWeaver and other similar design and graphics packages. Does
anyone out there know what I should buy for what I do. Iwould very
much appreciate some suggestions. I am a student so cost is an
important factor.
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