Is this group still active?
(too old to reply)
Douglas Roberts
2005-01-23 15:46:23 UTC
Morning, all

Happened on this group and thought it might prove helpful. I am a newcomer
to computer and to newsgroups. Anxious to learn more about technical
aspects of computer for the visually impaired. Remarks, anyone? Douglas
David Alex Lamb
2005-01-24 20:23:48 UTC
Post by Douglas Roberts
Happened on this group and thought it might prove helpful. I am a newcomer
to computer and to newsgroups. Anxious to learn more about technical
aspects of computer for the visually impaired. Remarks, anyone? Douglas
Regarding the newsgroup: it's not very active, but there are a few messages
each month worth glancing at. All it takes to improve is someone to post
something worth responding to.

Regarding computing for accesibility: There's at least two technical sides
you might have meant:
1. Writing interactive programs so as to be accessible. On this front one of
the few things I've seen is the Java accesibility interface for its Swing
windowing toolkit. It has been a couple of years since I looked at it so I
have no references handy. Basically, it requires the user interface
designer to set certain properties in the windows that allow other software
to, for example, list menu choices audibly.
2. Once you've got an "accessible" Java program, how do you integrate it up
with the right external software and hardware to make it actually usable.
This is the part I know nothing about.
"Yo' ideas need to be thinked befo' they are say'd" - Ian Lamb, age 3.5
http://www.cs.queensu.ca/~dalamb/ qucis->cs to reply (it's a long story...)
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