Press Release - Reliable Software Technologies, Ada-Europe 2005
(too old to reply)
Dirk Craeynest
2005-06-12 10:11:53 UTC

Final Call for Participation

*** UPDATED Program Summary ***

10th International Conference on
Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe 2005

20 - 24 June 2005, York, UK


*** Full Program available on conference web site ***
*** Check out the tutorial program! ***
*** Printed proceedings available ***
*** Register now! ***


Press release:

Conference on Reliable Software Technologies in York

York, UK (12 June 2005 12:00) - The University of York, sponsored by
Ada-Europe and in cooperation with ACM's Special Interest Group in Ada,
organizes this year the "10th International Conference on Reliable
Software Technologies - Ada-Europe 2005" from 20 to 24 June in York.

The conference offers nine tutorials, including a look at Ada 2005, a
full technical program of refereed papers, a collection of industrial
presentations reflecting current practice and challenges, three eminent
invited speakers, an exhibition, and a social program.

The 9 excellent tutorials cover a broad range of topics, including:
developing web-aware applications in Ada, correctness by construction,
real-time Java, architecture analysis and design, Ravenscar and SPARK,
containers in Ada 2005, software fault tolerance, requirements
engineering for dependable Systems, and a half day tutorial (at a
reduced rate) on the new features of Ada 2005, presented by four of
its designers: John Barnes, Alan Burns, Pascal Leroy and Tucker Taft.

Technical Program. 21 fully refereed and carefully selected papers
on the latest research on Ada-related issues, including new tools,
applications and industrial practice and experience. A collection of
10 industrial presentations reflecting current practice and challenges.
Springer Verlag publishes the proceedings of the conference, as LNCS
Vol. 3555.

Keynote Speakers. John McDermid discusses model-based development of
safety-critical software. Martyn Thomas presents "Extreme Hubris" in
which the principles of Extreme Programming are examined and shown to
be misguided and dangerous, and in which an alternative Manifesto for
Reliable Software is proposed. Bev Littlewood talks about assessing
the dependability of software-based systems.

The exhibition opens in the mid-morning break on Tuesday and runs
continuously until the end of the afternoon break on Thursday. The
exhibitors include the following vendors: AdaCore, Aonix, ARTiSAN
Software, Esterel Technologies, Green Hills Software, I-Logix, LDRA
Software Technology, PolySpace Technologies, Praxis High Integrity
Systems, Silver Software, TNI Europe.

York is a beautiful and historical (small) city in the north of the UK.
It has a first class university with one of the best Computer Science
departments in the world. The Department has been involved with the
development of programming languages for a number of years (indeed it
ran the first series of technical meetings on Ada in the 1970s). It is
pleased to host this meeting on reliable software technology.

York can be reached easily by train from London (approximately 2.3
hours), Manchester airport (2 hours), Leeds/Bradford Airport (1 hour).
The conference is held at the Royal York Hotel which is adjacent to
the York train station a few minutes from the centre of York and the
Minster (Cathedral).

The conference's social program includes a wine and buffet reception on
Tuesday evening at Bedern Hall, a 14th century hall which was used as
a refectory of the vicars of York Minster, and the conference banquet
on Wednesday evening at the National Railway Museum. This York-based
Museum is the largest railway museum in the world, responsible for the
conservation and interpretation of the British national collection of
historically significant railway vehicles and other artifacts. The
Museum contains an unrivaled collection of locomotives, rolling stock,
railway equipment, documents and records.


Latest updates:

- The full "Advance Program" is available on the conference web site
<http://www.ada-europe.org/conference2005.html> and directly at
<http://www.cs.york.ac.uk/rts/adaeurope/advprogram.pdf> (pdf, 1.7M).

- Check out the 9 tutorials in the advance program and at

- The proceedings, published by Springer Verlag as Lecture Notes in
Computer Science Vol. 3555, are ready and will be distributed at
the conference. More info is available at
Abstracts can be checked out at

- Registration fees are very reasonable and the registration process
is easy: either register on-line at
or fill out the form at
and fax it to the conference secretariat. Don't delay!

- For the latest information consult the conference web site.


Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement.
Please circulate widely.

***@cs.kuleuven.ac.be, Ada-Europe'2005 Publicity Co-chair

*** 10th Intl.Conf.on Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe'2005
*** June 20-24, 2005 *** York, UK *** http://www.ada-europe.org ***
2005-06-15 17:17:56 UTC
Post by Dirk Craeynest
Martyn Thomas presents "Extreme Hubris" in
which the principles of Extreme Programming are examined and shown to
be misguided and dangerous, and in which an alternative Manifesto for
Reliable Software is proposed.
This would be an interesting talk!
David Lightstone
2005-06-15 18:57:58 UTC
Post by Arnold
Post by Dirk Craeynest
Martyn Thomas presents "Extreme Hubris" in
which the principles of Extreme Programming are examined and shown to
be misguided and dangerous, and in which an alternative Manifesto for
Reliable Software is proposed.
This would be an interesting talk!
Yes indeed. Maybe we should put together a betting pool for the purpose of
determining the arguments that the various "XP" xperts will use to discredit
and/or discount the argument presented by Martyn Thomas

Perhaps the argument will be similar to those presented in reviews of the
book authored by Stephens and Rosenberg having title
Extreme Programming Refactored: The Case Against XP
